Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Chiptole - Tax Free Weekend!

If you are out and about this weekend for tax free, make sure you grab a bit to eat today or tomorrow at Chiptole Mexican Grill. If you save your receipt, you can grab a free menu item of equal value during Tax-Free Weekend! So think of it as a Buy one, get one free later! I will be doing this because I absolutely love Chiptole! Don't forget you can order online with their app or through there website. 


  1. hey! Great blog! Keep them coming. Is there anyway you could add a "followers" option to this blog. I'd like to become a follower...love knowing what cool fre deals are out there...

  2. Thanks Brittany! You can now see there are a few email subscriptions going on on the right hand side. Its not pretty but its a start for right now. Thanks for checking! (You can also click on "subscribe to> post and go that route since you are already on blogger.
